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Thursday, February 18, 2016

What is Ransomware, and why should you care?

Today we’ll be discussing a form of cybercrime that has been of particular spotlight in the news: Ransomware. Most have heard of these attacks before, and some are on the lookout for it, but what exactly is Ransomware, and how is it implemented? 

Ransomware is essentially a digital spin on a physical ransom-note. However, instead of kidnapping people, Ransomware attacks the files on your computer. Generally, the thieves set a lock screen on your system to prevent you from accessing your computer until you pay a set ransom, often threatening to delete the files on your system if you do not pay within the specified time.

Ransom demands can vary considerably, from as little as $10, to millions of dollars. As recent as February 14, 2016, CSO reported on a Ransomware attack on the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center. While few details are provided on how the attack entered the system, the article states that at the time of writing, the hospital’s network had been down for an entire week. In the case of this attack, the ransom demanded was over $3.6 million dollars. 

The majority of Ransomware threats are more general, preying upon those they can lure to download the attack. Their attacks are usually disguised, found in links to fascinating and unbelievable news, or surprising gossip, or even free offers. Some are even disguised as antivirus or antimalware software. But once the link is clicked, the user’s system is infected, and the malicious program goes to work on locking you out of your system.

Not all ransomware is this sophisticated. Some use simple ploys, such as linking to a webpage where the browser tab cannot be closed. The webpage makes a demand, claiming that it will delete files if a small ransom is not paid, even though the web page likely has no access to your files. These tricks are often rewarded when uninformed users panic and give in to the ransom demands.

Whatever methods they use, Ransomware’s biggest ally is fear and panic. If people continue to be pressured into paying the ransom demands, this form of malware will continue to be prominent and profitable for cyber criminals. To best battle the fear of ransomware, one needs to prepare a plan to deal with it.

Next week: Steps to take to be prepared for Ransomware.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Astria Horizon Welcomes You!

Welcome to Astria Horizon, Astria Business Solutions’ tool to provide you with news and updates on Information Security. We search for articles relevant to our customers and place them here in one convenient location. We’ll even post some security tips to help keep you secure in your day to day business activities.

Astria primarily works with small to medium sized businesses, and the information we provide will be most beneficial to similar businesses, but individuals looking to improve their at home security will also benefit from our blog. We will often post our tips and tricks for basic security as well as news about breaches in common software applications and devices—both of which are useful to businesses and individuals.

We believe that one of the first and most important steps in information security is to be aware of the current risks and threats to your data. We have access to resources across the web, and our goal is to make this blog informative and beneficial to you by keeping you up-to-date with the state of security and the best practices to defend your network.

We’re still working on the formatting and on setting up a consistent posting schedule, but the current plan is to start with some news at least once weekly, providing you with several articles to peruse and why we found them interesting or helpful. Eventually, we hope to post bi-weekly, and provide you with some basic tips and suggestions in information security to help get the process started in your workplace.

Additionally, we're still trying new things with the formatting on Blogger, and learning new methods of displaying news to you. This page is still heavily under construction at the time of writing, so please bear with us and excuse the digital sawdust.

Thank you for visiting Astria Horizon, and please feel free to subscribe. We always appreciate comments and discussion. If you have any suggestions of content you would particularly enjoy seeing on our page, please let us know. And for more information about Astria Business Solutions, visit our website at:
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