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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Astria Horizon Welcomes You!

Welcome to Astria Horizon, Astria Business Solutions’ tool to provide you with news and updates on Information Security. We search for articles relevant to our customers and place them here in one convenient location. We’ll even post some security tips to help keep you secure in your day to day business activities.

Astria primarily works with small to medium sized businesses, and the information we provide will be most beneficial to similar businesses, but individuals looking to improve their at home security will also benefit from our blog. We will often post our tips and tricks for basic security as well as news about breaches in common software applications and devices—both of which are useful to businesses and individuals.

We believe that one of the first and most important steps in information security is to be aware of the current risks and threats to your data. We have access to resources across the web, and our goal is to make this blog informative and beneficial to you by keeping you up-to-date with the state of security and the best practices to defend your network.

We’re still working on the formatting and on setting up a consistent posting schedule, but the current plan is to start with some news at least once weekly, providing you with several articles to peruse and why we found them interesting or helpful. Eventually, we hope to post bi-weekly, and provide you with some basic tips and suggestions in information security to help get the process started in your workplace.

Additionally, we're still trying new things with the formatting on Blogger, and learning new methods of displaying news to you. This page is still heavily under construction at the time of writing, so please bear with us and excuse the digital sawdust.

Thank you for visiting Astria Horizon, and please feel free to subscribe. We always appreciate comments and discussion. If you have any suggestions of content you would particularly enjoy seeing on our page, please let us know. And for more information about Astria Business Solutions, visit our website at:

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